Monday, April 1, 2024

Market Tulips


Tulips are popping up all everywhere in the parking lot at the market. 

Bunches and bunches and bunches of bulbs that bloom in riotous colour every spring.

I park the car and look around in joy at all the beauty.

I toss my plans for dinner right away opting instead for a simple spring dinner of

asparagus, fresh pea shoots, and farro.

But, I can't resist grabbing a bouquet of tulips for the kitchen table.

~ ~ ~

The way to start a day

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There is fresh and dried fruit on the porch

in the early morning sunshine.

cherries, blueberries,
grapes and apricots,
crunchy almonds

and coffee.

The rest of the house is sleeping still

but I am settin on the porch a spell

with my feet up on the balusters...

watching the morning come down. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~