Friday, October 11, 2024

autumn color

 "Mum! Go outside!!" My daughter called me lastnight. I was already in my pajamas but I had been hearing about the aurora borealis making a showing so I jumped up and ran out the door. I could hear my granddaughters in the back round saying, "It looks like a rainbow!"

My husband and I quickly threw some jackets on and walked down to the old fort which is right on the ocean. Wow! 

I had parent teacher conferences yesterday. I love this first conference of the school year because it gives me a chance to get to know the families in my class. When I know how the families operate and what their hopes and dreams for their little toddlers are it helps me to understand and guide the children. I am 61 years old and the parents I work with are often the same age or even younger than my own daughters. The children I work with are younger than my grandchildren. 

I cannot (nor would I) post pictures of my class families here but if I could post a picture of a giant heart I would. 

I have been doing quite a bit of cooking the past few weekends. I have plenty of food in the fridge to eat for dinners and lunches without having to cook when I get home. It's been very nice!

In my classroom we have a wall of windows and a glass door that look out onto the back deck and the fields beyond. The campus used to be a tree orchard. At this time of year, when the leaves are changing colours it looks so beautiful. The light in the classroom changes. It becomes all soft and colourful. It's just so pretty.

Friday fave fives

Monday, October 7, 2024



A trip to the nursery for chrysanthemums to put in my window box. I am never quite sure what colour to get so this year I just bought my four favourite colours and I will mix it all up. I just love looking out of my living room window and seeing all the pretty autumn flowers! 

I did quite a bit of cooking on Saturday as well: vegetarian chili, two loaves of pumpkin bread (with raisins), blue corn bread, roasted squash with apples and carrots, and a batch of farro. I love being able to just grab and go. I still have a butternut squash that I will roast and make a soup with later in the week. 

We have our first parent/teacher conferences this week at the Montessori school where I work. I really enjoy these first conferences as it gives me the chance to get to know the families a little bit. I find it helpful to teach the child when I have some understanding of their families. 

We have had some absolutely beautiful weather this weekend! Oh my goodness! Bright blue sunny skies, warm temps, and cool nights. Perfect for autumn!

Normally I blog at a spirit of simplicity but I switched that blog over to wordpress and I'm not convinced it was my best idea. So, I'm going to try this old blogger blog that I never really use and see if I like it better. Sometimes I feel like no one ever blogs anymore. I think more people use instagram or some other site like that but I like blogging so I'm going to keep doing it. I hope you do too. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Market Tulips


Tulips are popping up all everywhere in the parking lot at the market. 

Bunches and bunches and bunches of bulbs that bloom in riotous colour every spring.

I park the car and look around in joy at all the beauty.

I toss my plans for dinner right away opting instead for a simple spring dinner of

asparagus, fresh pea shoots, and farro.

But, I can't resist grabbing a bouquet of tulips for the kitchen table.

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The way to start a day

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There is fresh and dried fruit on the porch

in the early morning sunshine.

cherries, blueberries,
grapes and apricots,
crunchy almonds

and coffee.

The rest of the house is sleeping still

but I am settin on the porch a spell

with my feet up on the balusters...

watching the morning come down. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thankful Thursday

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I am so thankful for my sweet, smart, super-duper grandson, Verne. 

I cannot believe how quickly the past two years have flown by!

Please feel free to share something you are thankful for.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

thankful Thursday

Thankful for my family today. 

I think they are pretty great!

Please share a post sharing what you are thankful for.

Monday, September 24, 2018

a day in the life

24 September, 2018

The wind is howling outside my windows.

I can hear things blowing around out there but it's still dark...

not quite dawn. We live in the middle of a 3 pronged fork in the road

on a rather tiny island which is connected to the mainland

by a 2 mile causeway and we have the Atlantic on

either side of us. So...things can get pretty windy here.

I am wearing a pair of Levi jeans and a white peasant blouse

from J.Jill. I have a scarf with autumn coloured flowers on as well.

I haven't really been putting chores off...

I just can't seem to catch up. I cleaned the bedroom

and went through the autumn clothing and it all looked great.

Somehow, I ended up with lots of blankets on the floor though.

All folded and piled up and waiting for the first

cold night to be tossed onto the beds.

Storage is tight here but I will have to find a place for them. 

I had some leftover chili in the fridge. I tossed it yesterday.

I think it's time for me to stop making chili

as we don't really like it. 

I haven't been reading much of anything except

my daily bible reading. 

Fill us at daybreak with your kindness.

Is here a prayer request you'd like to share?

Please pray for my husband who is recovering from

his second thyroid surgery in 2 months.

What special dish or baked item are you planning for this week?

I am going to be making puy lentils with bacon this week.

I haven't made in since last year...I hope it tastes as good as it did then. 

A photo you'd like to share?

I picked up a basket at a local church bizarre

and hung it on the back door with some gourds inside.

Any parting thoughts?

Let's all try to bear fruit this week

and to bear one another's burdens where we are able. 

Autumnal Equinox

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Autumn is my very favorite season.

I think there is no place prettier than Autumn in New England.

I've spruced up the door to our flat a bit. 

I went to a church bazaar Saturday.

I picked up a little square chalk board and an old wicker basket

and I hung them both up on the door.

In the spring I painted the door a cheery Marblehead gold

and the colours of the Autumn gourds look so pretty against it.

 Truth to tell, the stairway up to our second floor flat isn't very pretty.

The walls are covered in a really old and ugly wall paper 

and everything else is in pretty rough shape as well.

Last spring I painted our door a sweet shade of

Marblehead gold, by Ben Moore.

The door to our place is welcoming.

Once inside the flat is old but beautiful - vintage and comfortable

and the views of the Atlantic are absolutely amazing.

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